Modern Home Furniture
client: Modern Home Furniture
scope: brand awareness, marketing, retail messaging
assets: print, social, video, web
Consistency is KEY! This is one of the fundamental strategies we’ve utilized with Modern Home. As the new kid in town (doors opened in late 2017) increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to this family-owned and operated business have been top priorities.

By keeping campaigns consistent across print and broadcast media and amplifying messaging via online platforms, we’ve helped grow Modern Home’s customer base by converting passive shoppers into engaged buyers.

Fortunately for us, their showroom is beautiful. Highlighting this via one of the most effective messaging tools, video, has become one of our favorite ways to spend a workday.

Thank-you card: Back
Personalized thank you cards have proven to be a win-win. Reaching out to say thank you, offering a discount on a return trip, and providing an easy opportunity to leave feedback on different platforms allows for great engagement opportunities.
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